Meet Our Crew
Last year my intention was to share the behind the scenes of starting our cut flower farm, which I think I did a medium job of over on Instagram. Things got hectic between weddings, planning our own wedding, and the actual farming, harvesting and selling and I fell behind on documenting the process.
Perhaps it’s the New Year energy, or realizing I could write here instead of trying to keep up with Instagram (reels, etc.), but I’m looking forward to regularly carving out time to share what’s happening around the farm and telling our story as it unfolds.
As with any good tale, you need to know the characters. So today I thought I’d introduce you to our tiny team and tell you who’s tasked with what.
The dogs
There are two of them. Two quirky, not particularly well-behaved, but lovable, rescue dogs that can often be spotted roaming the gardens. Lucy, the 9-year-old beagle, is our senior citizen, though hardly acts like it. She has two settings: asleep or getting into trouble, and requires constant supervision come spring, when the ground is ripe for digging. She loves a car ride, and will often come along for deliveries, racing to her food bowl the second we get home with hopes that it might be dinner time.
Rapha is our 7-year-old pointer mix, who despite technically being the baby, acts like he’s boss around here. He does a good job of keeping squirrels at bay, but also has a thing for tulip bulbs which proves problematic during winter, when you think they’d be safely tucked into the ground and we could all just chill out for a bit. Raphie puts on a tough front, but is loyal to a fault and follows me around the garden, happy to keep me company while weeding or harvesting.
Favorite flowers: tulip bulbs, ranunculus corms, anything that can be dug up in wet soil, and does rolling in compost count?
That’s the whole crew! We’re all getting a little antsy for spring, and can’t wait to see what this season has in store. Seeds have all been ordered and we’re starting some crop planning this week, so I’ll soon share what we’ll be growing and how the schedule is looking. If you have any burning questions or if there’s any aspects of flower farming in particular that you’d enjoy hearing about, send us an email at and I’ll share more here on the blog!